February 3, 2008

. . Rest . .

It's a rest-day Saturday for me. Had been going out everyday for the last 2 weeks and more. I decided to clean up my room a 'lil bit. It's too messy and it's making me feel uncomfortable. Frecky had claimed that I'm a clean freak. But clean is good. Right?

Cleaned up my personal work area. Threw away some stuffs that had been left around for weeks. Neatly stacked my wardrobe a bit. Vacuumed the floor. Etc etc. Went for a short shop trip at Giant supermarket to get a small plastic cabinet for my wardrobe. Got to find more and better ways to organize my wardrobe. Had a short nap after dinner. Hah. *This usually happens if I sit on the sofa after dinner.* Woke around 9.00 pm and caught Pirates of the Caribbean 3 on DVD. Gosh, that show is more than two and a half hours.

Chatted with Jules for a while, this afternoon, on msn. She's having a garage sale this weekend. Maybe I head down and have a look.

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