February 15, 2008

. . Mentally drained . .

Nothing exciting happened today. Felt tired the whole day today. Maybe 'cause it's been a long time since I've taken time to exercise. Have not run for quite some time. My gym membership will be terminated by the end of this month and I am not motivated to go running these few days. And also, I kept wanting to ride more than to run. Hah! Everyday after work felt so mentally drained. Haiz. Sometimes at work, felt like I'm not there. Like my mind is somewhere else. Keep forgetting this, misplacing that. Seriously burn-out.

Frecky and Ken was on leave today so we're a few people short. Lucky not much deadlines today. But already got a few Stupid Monday Deadlines. It's for the "high priority" project. I'm doing the third visual out of the others and honestly, it feels so tiring of doing the visuals of the same project. Even though it's of a different angle. Haiz.

Going to have to go back to the office tomorrow to finish up the work.

Maybe Sunday too.

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