This is my new setup.

Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66GHz 6MB 1333MHz LGA775
Gigabyte EP45-DS3 Intel P45 Chipsets mainboard
Asus GeForce 9600GT Black Pearl 512MB DDR3
Western Digital 400GB 16MB HDD SATA2
Corsair PC6400 800MHz 1GBx2 DDR2
Sony 20X DVD Writer SATA
Cooler Master eXtreme 550W PSU
Cooler Master Elite 330 Black version
Gigabyte EP45-DS3 Intel P45 Chipsets mainboard
Asus GeForce 9600GT Black Pearl 512MB DDR3
Western Digital 400GB 16MB HDD SATA2
Corsair PC6400 800MHz 1GBx2 DDR2
Sony 20X DVD Writer SATA
Cooler Master eXtreme 550W PSU
Cooler Master Elite 330 Black version
I actually had this new computer delivered last Sunday. Yeah, delivered to my home as I bought it on a local online shop. But had some hardware problems with the new computer initially. My new PC kept having random crashes and bluescreens of death. Wasn't sure at that time what was the problem.
Told my colleague L10 about this and he offered to help check my computer out. He came over on Tuesday and tried to help search for the fault *if any* and also to help see if I did set up the computer properly. I am not a really knowledgable on this computer hardware stuffs and I needed help.
Went through a lot of different situations and steps to reinstall the operating system *OS* to the old harddisk. Long story short, we were not able to reinstall the OS and were facing frustating obstacle.
He also was stumped over what was wrong and didn't managed to find the fault. He was sure though, that it was a hardware problem. Myself, I wonder whether my old computer had a virus and had contaminated this new computer *as I had installed the old harddisk to the new computer*.
The next day, while at work, I was even considering of getting a new fresh harddisk to install but L10 advise me to consult the guy from the shop that I bought the computer from. I listened to his advice but decided to have one last installation trythat Wednesday night.
During work that day, I managed to researched on computer crashes and installation of OS. And that night, I tried some of the procedure that I read up on. I followed a simple basic setup for the computer and finally managed to installed the OS! Was so happy that night!! On closer inspection, one of the RAM that I took out from the motherboard was actually faulty. The RAM's cover *heatsink, I think* was not properly aligned to RAM itself the and I think this made the memory unstable when installed and thus the random crashes. This also prevented the OS from any proper installation. Called up the shop and going to have it replaced.
Anyway, it took me a few days and today to get my computer to what it was. Did managed to backed up my stuffs and data before the OS reinstallationbut had to reinstalled a lot of programmes *as I formatted all the harddisk during the reinstallation as we thought it was harddisk problem that causes the initial problems* . And it really took a while.
But it was worth it.
*Today, Saturday, is Singapore's 43rd National Day. Wishing all Singaporeans a Happy National Day! Have a great long weekend!*
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