Riding past the office when I reached for work, saw Im standing outside. I shouted out to him, "What happened? Blackout?" Hehe. Yeah, Monday morning was greeted with a blackout at the office. He couldn't went to the back of the shophouse to fix it as he was the only one there. He's usually the first to arrive at the office, with Khai usually. But today, Khai was late.
Anyway, suspected that the blackout happened sometime around Saturday morning as that was when it was raining heavily. Checked the refridgerator and it wasn't cold at all. All the ice-cream had melted and so was the ice too. Well, good luck to the one that's taking over this place. We're moving out in 2 weeks time.
Not much at work. Was focusing on the "photo-realistic" visual that I started last Thursday. Think managed to finished up around 40% overall. Still got long way to go. But also have a few more days to deadline anyway. Finished work a bit later and left around 8.30 pm *to do up the visual as much as I can*.
After work, headed down to Borders at Wheelock Place for a short while. Was really interested in this travelbiography book by Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman titled "Long Way Down" *I actually bought the book before but haven't finished reading it* and was hoping that Borders was selling the DVD version. It's about them traveling from the north tip of Scotland down to the southern tip of Africa, on the motorbike. Woohoo. Saw the 1st episode of it on cable TV and couldn't wait to see the rest of the show. But I guess I have to purchase for the DVD online.
I'll be on leave from work on Tuesday as I'll be "escorting" my younger brother for his enlistment to National Service. He'll be enlisted to the Civil Defence. As was my elder brother and as was my late dad. But I wasn't. Guess I'm really the odd one out huh. Anyway, never really been inside the Civil Defence Academy, so I'm kind of excited myself to send him off.
My younger brother is all grown up.
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