Today's the day I've been waiting for since 3 weeks ago! Was on leave today and was waiting/watching tv til afternoon, after which I was instructed to give the shop a call to confirm whether my personal birthday present could be collected today. I called. And YES!!! They told me to collect it after 3 pm. Woohoo.. Well, if you have been guessing what the personal birthday present is, then here it is.
Jeng! Jeng! Jeng! It's a Red Honda CB400 Super Four!!
Called my friend , Mran, as he has agreed to be my guarantor on this motor purchase. Initially, he told me he couldn't make it today. Which made me pissed off for a 'lil while. But somehow, his job was cancelled and he agreed to fetch me to the motor workshop. My previous bike, my sayang Kawasaki KRR 150, was traded in last Friday for this. "Goodbye sayang, I'll miss you" Hah. Friends had been asking me who is this "sayang" which I had posted on my msn message. Who am I missing? They asked. I'm a single guy who loves to rides bikes. Who else is my "sayang"? Duh. But seriously, it was heartwrenching to bid farewell to something that had been close to my heart for the last 6 years. That's the reason why I was so glum the few days before today.
BUT!! I have a new sayang today!!! *Imagine me dancing like a happy nerd here* Collected it by 4.30 pm and started running-in the motor. Running-in is important for new motorcycles that just left the workshop. *Not so sure about 4 wheel vehicles thou* It would greatly prolong the engine life if proper running-in is done in the early stage. Running-in also means I will be traveling at a certain slow speed limit so as not to exert the engine this early. Simply put, running-in is to travel slow for a long long distant (* in 3 stages of 1000 km each and service it for an oil change at every stage.* )
Finally, my dream has come true. Well, 1 of my dreams anyway.
Here is a tribute to my previous sayang. I'll miss you sayang.

*You can stop imagining me dancing like a happy nerd already*
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